Tuesday, October 13, 2009


"That was probably the first church service that I've been to in years where I couldn't have just gotten up and preached the sermon myself. I think that's why I like it so much."

"Well honey, why don't you just preach some? You have a great Christian education."

"Dad, I was born with a vagina so I can't contribute anything at church, remember?"

"Oh... well I meant for like the junior high girls. Why don't you preach to them?"

Conversation I had with my father last Sunday. And here's more of the problem:

For an amazing and hilarious article check out my new best friend's blog, Cole Nesmith (he doesn't know that we're besties yet) http://www.colenesmith.com/?p=342 sorry... I can't figure out how to get the hyperlink to work. You'll just have to copy and paste that sucka.

1 comment:

  1. I like some of Mark Driscoll's writing, but I have to disagree with him here. He might be right that many men are working, hunting, etc., but I think that says more about our culture and where men are placing their values, rather than Christian men. Christianity really is about living counter-culturally and that is very difficult for both men & women. As for the Church being feminized, Driscoll should get out of the suburbs and go to some solid doctrine churches. Also, has he never heard of a person in the Bible named Deborah? Lastly, just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you can't preach--the best pastors I have ever had have been women.
