Sunday, January 31, 2010


I have noticed that Americans follow similar cycle. We become unsatistifed with our current government leadership. We demonize the current president. We blame the opposite political party for all our woes. Then, we build up so much hope in the future nominees. They MUST be capable of doing a better job than this horrible president we currently have. They are elected and the majority of America celebrates (after all, the majority of America voted that person into place, they won by a MAJORITY). Then we wait for our new political savior to clean up all the messes of the president who just left office. At first, their failure to do so can be blamed on the previous president. But after a while, the same political problems remain and we can no longer hold the previous president accountable. We turn on our new golden-boy. We blame him that he couldn't fix these struggles in our nation. We look for a new golden-boy. And never, under any circumstances, are WE accountable for changing our nation. We chose the president, he fixes the problems, and it absolutely is not our fault if the problems remain.

To quote an already overquoted statement "be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi


  1. It's because the labels "Republican" and "Democrat" really don't mean anything anymore. They are basically different names for the same thing. Both parties have lost all focus of their origins and roots.
