Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
De Juguetes (A Mexican Toy Story)
A MEXICAN TOY STORY from Alba Mora on Vimeo.
Directed by Alba Mora Roca
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
San Diego Film Festival
Here's the trailer for what we watched.
Oh, and in my three years of living here, I've only experienced two thunderstorms. One of them was yesterday. It was pretty sweet.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Seedy Bar
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hannah and Mumford and Sons
“we are just vehicles… thanks be to God”
Yesterday afternoon, my friend/co-worker/room mate decided to send a facebook message to Ben Lovett of Mumford & Sons. She didn’t expect a response.
Hannah Jones September 19 at 4:27pm
I expect you get 4 billion emails from fans, so here’s another to add to the collection.
On July 11 2010, my friend, Nate Henn, was killed by a terrorist bomb attack in Kampala, Uganda. He was the only American casualty. I’d just spent the last 5 months of my life touring around the USA with him, spreading the story of Africa’s longest running conflict. We both were full time volunteers with Invisible Children and he was in Uganda with our friend, Innocent.
I just wanted you to know that your music has been incredibly healing, and his tribute video uses ‘Timshel’.
I wish you could have some understanding of how much your music has healed our hearts after this loss. Mumford and Sons have helped us through this heartache, and for that I will be ever grateful. In fact, a bunch of us are coming up to see you all play in LA next month. I saw you play at the Eden Project and it was wonderful. I can’t wait to see you again.
This is just an email to encourage, so I hope if you read it, it did just that. You’re doing incredible things through your music.
Thank you over and over. Please take 5 minutes to watch the video if you want… it’s very, very well made. And it’s incredible.
Thank you again.
Benjamin Lovett September 19 at 4:48pm
Dear Hannah,
I will be praying for Nate tonight, and for you.
I cannot imagine what you have gone through and watching this video as I sit in my kitchen in the still of night has blindsided me. I wish I’d met this man. The initiative looks incredible and I hope it continues in Nate’s spirit.
As for our music, we our just vehicles, as Nate was with his work, and thanking us I feel is misplaced.
Thanks be to God.
And Peace be with you.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
New Tagline
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Color Another State In
Dale and I have a New England plan to knock out six states up there.
Kelsey and I are threatening a Minnesota due west trip which would knock out another 5.
Now onto the remaining randoms: West Virgina, Delaware, and Alaska. These ones are going to take a consorted effort to make that happen in the next 4.5 years.
Tour Launch
PF Changs Marathon
Rock and Roll Marathon 26.2 Miles, January 16, Phoenix/Tempe/Scottsdale
Don Chedle and John Predergast
They just co-authored a new book called The Enough Moment. Since I love Better World Books, you should buy it here: Better World Books
Friday, May 14, 2010
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Dog Park
Then, hundreds of paper airplanes began flying about. Then people started jangling their keys to the music. He wins for creativity.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Drunk Guy VS a Flip Flop
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
1998 Geo-cities
Joel P West, a local musician, posted this very simple yet lovely music video of Destin Cretton that involved Vondelpark.
Bark & Feathers & Vondelpark from Destin Cretton on Vimeo.
You can see Joel play in San Diego on Friday with a five piece orchestra
Bay Bridge Race
New site (under construction)
This is his current one. Hope you can see the improvements (at least now he has a correct address listed)
View Larger Map
Monday, April 26, 2010
All for an iPhone
But you don't want to ruin Steve Jobs' surprises to the public. He might serve you an arrest warrant, have the police kick down your door, and search your e-mail. Drama drama drama. Read about that here
I guess you shouldn't text under the influence. At least not on an unreleased iPhone 4.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Gaga and the 80's
Have I posted this already? Sorry if I have. This song seriously is just the best thing, ever.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Parachute Musical
So... I was informed that if you scratch the back of one artist, they'll usually scratch yours. Here's some lovin' for Parachute Musical. I saw them play with Via Audio in Nashville last month and they certainly have talent. Takes me back to my teen angst days of high school. I'll be seeing them next week at Ruby Room in Hillcrest so hit me up if you want to come. Or you can just check them out here.
Captain EO
Went to Disneyland this past weekend and saw the infamous Captain EO. Here's a clip of Michael at his greatest.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lauren Winner
"I feel annoyed that in His wisdom, [God] chose to reel me in with middle-brow Christian fiction. It could be worse, I suppose. I could have come to faith while reading Left Behind."-Lauren Winner
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Google Logos
Over the years, their celebratory logos have become increasingly more complex and interesting. You may stroll through their history at this website:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The day after graduating from college, I found fifty dollars in the foyer of my Chicago apartment building. The single bill had been folded into eighths and was packed with cocaine. It occurred to me then that if I played my cards right, I might never have to find a job. People lost things all the time. They left class rings on the sinks of public bathrooms and droped gem-studded earrings at the doors of the oprea house. My job was to keep my eyes open and find these things. I didn't want to become one of those coots who combed the beaches of Lake Michigan with a metal detector, but if I paid attention and used my head, I might never have to work again.
The following afternoon, hung over from cocaine, I found twelve cents and an unopened tin of breath mints. Figuring in my previous fifty dollars, that amounted to an average of twenty-five dolars and six cents per day which was still a decent wage.
The next morning i discovered two pennies and a comb matted with short curly hairs. The day after that I found a peanut. It was then that I started to worry.
-David Sedaris, Naked pg 202
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Chat Roulette Piano Guy
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Song of Solomon... Literally
"How beautiful you are, my beloved, how beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves behind your veil.
... Your hair is like a flock of goats...
Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewes...
Your lips are like a scarlet thread,
Your temples are like a slice of pomegranate...
"...Your neck is like the tower of David
built with rows of stones
on which are hung a thousand shields...
... Your two breasts are like two fawns,
twins of a gazelle
which feed among the lilies...
"... Your lips, my bride, drip honey,
Honey and milk are under your tongue...
And the fragrance of your garments
is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
Your belly is like a heap of wheat...
"... Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon,
which faces towards Damascus..."
From Song of Solomon chapters 4 and 7
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
So... What's Uganda Like?
I noticed this strange lizard. It was moving in the most awkward sort of way. It had a longer tail than any lizard I had ever seen before and its steps required great effort. We had just walked out of Invisible Children's microeconomic bracelet making site. As I was led to the dirt floor I would be sleeping on in the dangerous and impoverished IDP camp, the first thing I noticed was the lizard. As my head tilted to the side to observe its movements, my host, Santa, saw a friend of hers. She called over her friend to introduce me. Oblivious to the lizard, the newfound friend reached out her hand to shake mine and stepped directly on the creature. She didn't even flinch. I smiled, tried to make eye contact, but my gaze shifted to her feet. Did she know what was under her?
As we finished our brief greeting, the woman walked away, leaving the struggling lizard in her midst. Santa was leading me to her home, but I was concerned about the creature. It was then, upon closer observation, that I realized that the "lizard" was, in fact, a baby rat. As we walked away, the rat lay on its side... struggling to survive in an IDP camp. Rats and huts and thousands of people. All struggling to find a way to breathe in the camp.
While I sit peacfully on a vacation in Amsterdam, I consider the sacrifices Santa made for us that evening. Diligently, she crawled on the dirt floor to prepare dinner for our already plump bellies. At five months pregnant, Santa was one year and three children ahead of me in life. Then, as the men in her community came over to enjoy the dinner she had labored over, she politely sat in the dirt while they enjoyed the small hierarchy of resting on a wooden chair. Women cook. Then they sit on the dirt while the men eat their food in chairs. Then the women clean up the mess. And the men go to enjoy a Casava Liquor. Alcohol washing away the haunting holes that 22 years of war have created in their lives.
It's hard to fully understand the life that the Acholi lead. Santa drew me a warm bath and sent her 16 year old friend Palm out with me to the bathing section of the camp. Palm enegantly balanced the warm gallons of water on her head. Then, surrounded by huts, she asked me to begin to bathe. My nakedness in the crowded camp created a sensation of vulnerabiltiy that I had never known before. Of course, how naked can I be when the truth is that in a few short hours, I have the freedom and power to leave the camp? How can my spirit be broken by impoverty when I know that my wealth is always within my reach? How could I ever truly know how vulnerable, how tired these residents must be? They have no way out, and I will always have a way out. Nakedness can't be very shaming when you know you can cover up again soon.
The next morning, a man greeted us and began to speak to Santa in the Lwo language. She nodded, understandingly, and then handed the man a few thousand shillings. Enough to buy a few Cokes.
"Hello. Good morning," the man greeted us white guests in his Ugandan flavored English. "Last night a baby died. One week. We're holding the funeral today... Well... good bye."
For several minutes we sat silently in the room. I wished that I had brought my wallet to the camp instead of locking it "safely" in the intern house. But after a few minutes of silence, life had to return to the room. Babies die, but life in the camp must go on.
So, in that evening, when I saw life escape out of the baby rat, and as Santa crawled on the dirt ground, and as I sheltered my nakedness in the congested camp, a one week old baby lost its only chance. After nine months of carrying the child, a mother wept and a father found another hole in his life to try to fill again.
So, what's Uganda like? It's beautiful. But the injustices of the land will never leave my heart. How grateful I find myself today. Not only have my eyes seen this injustice, but I continue to be given the opportunities to help change these crimes.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
JoJo for President
He’s most at home behind the wheel
He’s on a mission
Get to where he’s going
He tailgates
Enough to cause me to nervously
And uncross
And cross my legs again
He’s handsome
The boy a mom dreams of for her daughter
And while his youth shows
Always so playful
There’s something about him
His barrel-chested walk
Projecting voice
Halfway cocky smile
That tells you he should be trusted
“JoJo,” I revisit the frequent topic of conversation
“When you’re elected president you’ll still let me be your
Brains behind the whole operation, right?”
He laughs a little to himself
We have this exact same exchange
At least once a week
“T, what makes you think I’ll be president?”
He always fishes
For my same answer
“JoJo, you’re the cockiest
Most handsome guy I know
Who wouldn’t want you up front on their stage?
But man, we could be the power team
You’re the face everyone loves
And I’ll work my ass off behind the scenes
I’ll be the Hilary to your Bill Clinton
Together we’ll rule the world”
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
So What Do We Want?
Coburn Say Yes from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.
Hey Dr. Coburn... You're not looking so good in the media
New York City
Friday, February 26, 2010
E-mail to Dr. Coburn, Oklahoma State Senator
Although I'm not from Oklahoma, I wish that I was so I would know that you would listen to me. As a Californian, I have been reaching out to my own senators for quite a while to co-sponsor S. 1067. I have traveled to Uganda two times in the past few years and I know that the passing of this bill would ensure safety and relief for my friends that I met in the region.
Primarily, I want this bill passed because I love the people who are suffering under the violence of the LRA and want their lives improved. However, NOW some of my other friends are camped outside your OKC office in the 30 degree winter waiting for you to lift your hold on this bill and out of my love for those friends I am asking you to reconsider as well. They are also suffering on behalf of Ugandans in need and I would like their suffering to end as well.
I respect your wishes to not increase government spending, but I know that when the emergency merits it, there are times that we need to act even if there is a cost associated with it. On 9/11, no one was saying "we shouldn't help the people in the Twin Towers because this might get expensive." They were doing what they needed to do to help reduce the suffering in the emergency.
Since Resolve Uganda and Feingold have figured out a way to allocate this money to help those suffering in this emergency by taking money from the EXISTING State Department budget, your release of this hold would not increase ANY government spending. You can stay true to your fiscal conservative values while actually helping these children.
I wish that I was from Oklahoma so that my voice would matter to you, but my friends in Uganda wish that they were Americans so that their cries would matter as to the global community as my cries matter as a Californian. I hope you'll hear my voice in conjunction with the Oklahomans outside your doorstep, Americans nationwide voicing support for this cause, and the people of East Africa who are suffering the most.
PPG Building
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Red Light
The corner of my little phone
And its flashes mean that someone
Wants to hear from me
Check for the red light
Peer into my purse
Check again, just to be sure
I used to know that he was missing me
Private chats all day long
Forgetting my phone on purpose
Just to return to his red light
Return from a meeting
His message was there to greet me
Climb out of the shower
His red light to see how my day was going?
Exit the gym
He was dwelling on how nice I looked
Red light reminding me that he cared
My little phone
Up to my ear for hours late one night
And there we agreed
That we needed more from each other than just
A red light
And tears
And too far away to make anything right
These days there is still a red light
An overdrawn account notice from the bank
Or a jumbled message from my father
Wat do U want 2 do 4 dinner 2nite?????
A carpool cancellation
They’re too busy to make it to dinner
Never a blush
Cheeks rushing with blood and warmth
Just a red light
And now the roll of my eyes
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Relevant and I and Our Mutual Friends
Before Whitney, I saw my co-worker Jason Russell as the featured podcast interview on this website.
And a few weeks prior to that I saw my classmate and favorite Starbucks customer from Chicago, Josh Bales, as their featured musician.
Or there was the time that my other co-worker, JoLeah Stiles was their summer intern and author of articles.
Ok Relevant, let's just accept that we were made for each other. I'm expecting you to call soon to ask for my interview but I won't be offended if you would just rather photograph me as your model.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Voting... um again
I still have this lingering cough from all the overtime I poured out to get Invisible Children votes during the Chase facebook competition, but meh, ftk (for the kids)
My dear friends over at LiNK (Liberty in North Korea) are currently vying for your votes to win $250,000 from Pepsi and the good news is that you can vote for them every day from now until the end of the month. Last week they were in 17th place. Now, they're in 6th. If they can finish in the top two, they'll win.
Can you give them some love?
IC has a lot of friends doing a million great things around the world, but you won't find a group that we love more than LiNK. Trust me. They'll do amazing things with the money for refugees from North Korea. So vote!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Georgia College Human Rights Symposium
First, we heard from Dr. Bertram Ramcharan who was the former Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
He brought home a few ideas that really stuck with me about America's approach to justice post 9/11.
-The UN hoped to approach Osama Bin Laden's attack against America as a CRIMINAL act. Bush's decision to approach it as a WAR/TERRORIST act is the reason that the USA is still engaged in war with places like Iraq and Afganistan.
-The US Senate has later arrived at a consensus with the UN that America should have treated it as a criminal act, not a terrorist act.
-America's war on terror has had a ripple effect because other countries around the world have also begun to wage their own anti-terrorism wars but in ways that violate human rights much more than America has violated human rights post 9/11.
Then, I heard from Bill Nigut from the Anti-Defamation League.
Here's some points I picked up from him:
-Jews are fortunate in a way because they can "delay" racism against them. So many other children who physically stand out a minority face racism against them from the day they're born.
-Rabbi Hillel once asked 3 great questions about human rights:
1. If I'm not for myself, who will be?
2. If I'm only for myself, who am I?
3. If not now, when?
On Tuesday, I heard from Sister Helen Prejean, the author of Dead Man Walking and advocate against the death penalty in the USA.
Here's a few points she touched on:
-80% of the people currently on death row killed a white person.
-139 people have been taken off of death row for wrongful conviction. How many other innocent people were killed over the past 34 years?
-If I'm struggling with my feelings about the death penalty, I should ask myself, "would I be willing to be the person to kill the convict?"
-Do we ever think about the people who DO have to do this killing?
-They are normal people like myself who now have the profession of killing another human being.
-98.6% of people who are sentenced to death row are considered "poor" by our society's standards.
Finally, I was given the chance to screen The Rescue, Together We're Free, and deliver the closing keynote address on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Here's a few photos:
Presenting The Rescue to a classroom that had standing room only.
Merch table following the screenings.
My new friend Abby, a senior at Georgia College, was extremely helpful in getting the word out about Invisible Children and encouraging our work.
Overall, it was a pure joy and such an honor to have been brought on with such an impressive crowd. My thanks go out to the event organizers and all of the participants of the symposium. Keep up the hard work!